Saturday, January 28, 2012

Walking down memory lane...

Today I was in the mood to go through drawers to see what I need to get rid of.  I came across a drawer that had some cd's in them.  There were no labels on them, so I decided to put them in my computer and to my surprise were some old photos from about 10 years ago.

This is one of my son and his best friend...which now are both teenage boys.  Wow, how time flies and I thought these days were a bit hard...NOPE!

This one is a favorite of mine, isn't that just the sweetest moment...LOL.  The little girl is my friend's daughter that I use to watch, she adored my son (and even though he'd never admit, he adored her too).

Anyway, I just wanted to share my little treasures.  These pictures were taken with an old Point and Shoot, not even sure what the megapixel were...LOL.  There were a lot more photos on the discs, but chose just to share these.



Evelyn ~ Indigo Beach Art said...

Lovely old photos and wonderful memories!

Nancy said...

A great find -- I'm so glad you decided to take a peek at what they contained and shared with us. :)