Monday, January 2, 2012

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday - Free Edition

This is my first post of the new year!  I just know that this is going to be a great year for us all.

So to start the Texture Tuesday off, Kim has made it simple for us...I don't know about you, but I'm pooped from all the holiday festivities and all the food and sweets I've devoured...sigh.

I got a brand new Nikon lens (Nikkor 35mm) for my birthday and this is just one of the photos I shot with it.  I do love this lens and looking forward to sharing more photos from it.

I used Kim's fabulous "free" textures More Magic, blending mode Difference at 100% (erasing off of face) and  Annabelle, 100% blending mode Multiply (erasing from face).

The Santa is from Barbora Sutton, she hand sculpts some fabulous Santa's, witches, fairies and more.

For more information on Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday click here

Thanks so much for stopping by wishing you all a wonderful new year!


Terrie said...

That Santa looks like he has lots of personality - don't you just love those eyes?! Your textures add a great extra dimension to the photo.

Unknown said...

Love what you have done with this photo, what a great face your Santa has.

Evelyn S. said...

Oh...I thought it was real, at first! I have a new Canon T3i with kit lenses, but I'm ordering a 50mm 1.8 prime lens...unless I decide an 85mm will be better.