Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The magic of textures....

It's been a long time since I've posted anything new.  My business received a huge order, so we were working steady for over a month to make sure it was out by the deadline...whew!  It did get out and the customer was very pleased...yeah!

Due to my work load I was not able to participate in any of my challenges, but still would sneak off to see what was going on and everyone's amazing photography and editing work. is a photo I took of this most beautiful tree that I'd pass everyday taking my son to school.  I finally remembered to bring my camera so I'd could stop and photograph it.  So glad I did because a few days later it was really windy here and all the leaves were blown off.

Roll mouse over to see original

I used Bonnie from Pixel Dust Photo Art's amazing "free" texture "Wicked" using blending mode Difference at 100%.  I just loved her examples of what this texture can do, that I couldn't wait to try it out.  The blues and purples it makes is beautiful.  If you haven't been to Bonnie's blogs be sure to check it out.  She has some truly amazing photography and textures available.

Here are a few more shots of the tree...

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful holiday season!


1 comment:

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Kathy! Thank you so much for alerting me to this post. Love what you have accomplished with this edit - it looks like a painting. That tree is glorious as is - and wickedly mysterious after processing.